Have You Been Charged With A Violent Crime?
Anytime someone is facing a felony charge in a New Jersey court, the stakes are high. Sentences for those convicted of violent crimes are often severe due to the nature of the alleged offenses. Of course, simply being accused of a crime does not make you guilty, even if the odds are stacked against you.
That’s why the most important decision you can make about your criminal defense is the selection of a defense lawyer you trust to protect your rights and stand by you throughout the process.
I’m Northfield attorney Michael F. Myers, and I founded my law firm — Law Office of Michael F. Myers — to defend people who are facing the fight of their lives: a fight for their freedom. The criminal justice system is designed to be intimidating, and many people who are charged with violent crimes in Atlantic County might be tempted to give up the fight. But I’ll fight on your behalf and do everything I can to give you the best chance at a favorable result in your case.
Everyone Is Entitled To Have Their Day In Court
Charges of sexual assault, attempted murder, vehicular homicide, arson, or any number of violent crimes often result in prison time if there is a conviction or a guilty plea. In addition, certain types of crimes have other ongoing requirements, such as sex offender registration. We will carefully review your case and determine the best course of action that you are comfortable with. Our clients in South Jersey are our top priority, and we want to help them as best as we can.
Help Is Here
To talk about defense strategies in violent crime cases, please call my firm at 609-622-5735 to schedule an appointment. You can also email me your contact information.