Controlled substances are those that can cause addiction, overdose and other harmful effects. However, some can also be beneficial when used in a particular manner. The federal government arranges controlled substances into five schedules based on their abuse...
Northfield Criminal Defense Blog
Explaining disorderly conduct
The term disorderly conduct is something that many people have probably already heard. What they may not know, however, is what type of actions this term encompasses. People need to understand how they should conduct themselves in public to avoid charges and penalties...
How New Jersey treats shoplifting crimes
New Jersey defines shoplifting as taking any merchandise from a store or merchant with the intent to deprive the merchant of the proceeds for that item. Shoplifting does not just include stealing something from a store or merchant, but mislabeling items with the...
What is mislaid property?
One of the key elements authorities must establish in order to prove that you committed a crime in Atlantic City is intent. Without it, then the presumption must be that whatever actions for you stand accused of, you were operating in good faith while engaged in...
FAQ about New Jersey Drug Court
Individuals who commit a substance-related crime may be eligible for the New Jersey Drug Court program. Through supervised probation and substance abuse treatment, this program strives to help individuals with substance use disorder recover and achieve a crime-free...
What are standardized field sobriety tests?
How do officers check New Jersey drivers they suspect of DUI? There are many tools they use. Field sobriety tests are among them. There are both standardized and non-standardized tests. Today we will take a look at standardized tests and their function on the field....
My teen is shoplifting, what should I do?
While most parents genuinely believe their kids would never do such a thing, teen shoplifting is a serious issue. Regardless of income, past behavior, and other factors, all teens are susceptible to shoplifting. Some do it out of peer pressure while others simply do...
What counts as disturbing the peace?
Do you know when making noise in public crosses over from a nuisance into criminal territory? Being aware of what disturbing the peace entails can make a difference in your defense. According to FindLaw, some actions that count as disturbing the peace include loud or...
Understanding New Jersey’s drug court program
Some individuals who receive drug possession charges in New Jersey may be eligible for the state’s drug court program. This arrangement helps those with substance abuse issues seek recovery while turning away from criminal behavior. These are the answers to some of...
Do you know common defenses against public intoxication charges?
Say that you enjoy going out to a bar now and then to have a few drinks. To be safe and avoid a DUI, you may walk home, to another bar or an entirely different location. Should you cross paths with a police officer after having several drinks and traveling on foot,...